MBlitMode Mode.w ; CookieMode/0 or EraseMode/1 or InvMode/2 or SolidMode/3

The normal `Blit' family of commands can have a `type' of blit operation which is
set with this command. You can use the already existing Blitz functions or values
0, 1, 2 and 3 which represent CookieMode, EraseMode, InvMode and SolidMode. The
normal mode is CookieMode in which the source's cookie is used to perform a blit
in which areas of Colour 0 are transparent. EraseMode causes the source's cookie
to erase an area matching its shae on the destination image. InvMode causes the
destination to be inverted in the shape of the source cookie, and SolidMode
places a solid copy of the cookie into the destination's image, which will appear
as colour 255. MBlitMode also works with MColourMode, MReMapMode and

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